Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Midland Chorus Frog

The midland Chorus Frog (Pseudacris triseriata) is one of the first frogs to begin calling in the spring in Northern Indiana.  The call sounds like someone running their thumb along the teeth of a plastic comb.  This small frog (1.50" long) is nearly impossible to see as it calls for a mate in the ponds and wetlands where they live.  It took me about 30 minutes to find this particular frog even though I  knew I was within 6' of him and knew the exact area he was in.  I finally spotted the frog by watching for the rippled water as he called.  I was only able to get so close because the frog was facing away from me and I walked very softly as I searched the pond edge. Note the inflated throat and rippled water around this frog.

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